The Presbytery House

A Home Away From Your Church
Come On & Visit
The Presbytery House!

About Us
We are a campus ministry affiliated with New Life Presbyterian Church and created to serve the Atlanta University Center inclusive of Clark Atlanta University, ITC, Morehouse School of Medicine, Morehouse College, Morris Brown College, Spelman College, and the church community. We envision the limitless possibilities that will be borne of “our" students. We firmly believe that each student has the evolving capacity for excellence in multiple arenas, including leadership, social experiences, critical thinking, compassion, creativity, local and global advocacy,

community service, and positive spiritual transformation. We embrace and encourage innovation and diversity. We simply want to provide a safe and conducive environment for students to excel and succeed. We welcome all students - Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Non-Denominational, and those who are simply seeking a Presbyterian Experience. You are welcome without regards to race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or political preference.
Consider This
Are you looking for a wholesome experience?
Have you found yourself longing for greater meaning and worth in your day-to-day endeavors?
Do you need assistance with career counseling and development?
Do you want to do more for others, but need direction and motivation?
Do you need tutoring?

Come to the Presbytery House, We can help! You Can Develop lasting Relationships And Stay Connected for the Right Reason!

Here’s what you Will find At the Presbytery House,
A Unique Experience Filled With…
Mentors who can Relate – Young Adults who aren’t too far removed from their own college experiences.
Upbeat, Open, Contemporary Environment (Not “Churchy”)
Wise, Reasonable, and Relevant Counsel (Not “Preachy”)
A Place,… A Space… that is Always Evolving — based on the ideas and inspirations of you and your peers.

Presbytery House Board of Directors
Junius Brock, Chairperson:
Mike Conley, Treasurer:
Libby Brown, Secretary:
Dr. Morris Clarke:​​
LaVances Givens:
Mary Jimerson:
Sarai Elan Johnson:
Romona Lavender:

Presbytery House, Inc., is an affiliate of New Life Presbyterian Church

The Presbytery House awards book scholarships to eligible first year college students who are members of New Life Presbyterian Church.
Note: All scholarship applicants must sign a photo release form which grants the Presbytery House Inc., permission to use their pictures, videos etc., to publicize the Millicent Wright Book Scholarship program.

The Tutorial Program is not currently active and will be restarted in the near future.
Volunteers are needed for the tutorial program.
When the tutorial program resumes, contact information and availability of volunteers will be needed.